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  2. Collicello.

  4. North Liberty Street and Kratzer Road, Harrisonburg, Virginia.

  5. DATE:
  6. About 1812.

  7. OWNERS:
  2. The house is two storied with a portico which has four columns. The main part is brick, 42 feet by 21 feet and is now plastered over. The part on either side added later.

    The original part had seven rooms three lower, four upper with a hallway running through, and with an enclosed stairway at the rear end of the hall. The addition of the two ends with some interior changes gives the house as it is now, nineteen rooms in all; the rooms are all of good size and comfortable.

    See Form #3686, attached.

  4. Robert Gray was born in Ireland, November 1, 1781. He came to the Shenandoah Valley about 1787; was educated at William and Mary College, in law; married Isabel, daughter of Dr. A. Waterman and built Collicello about 1812.

    Shortly afterwards it was suggested as being unsafe and the two ends were added to make it secure. It certainly gives me evidence now of being unsafe and no doubt will continue to stand the wear and tear of time for many years to come. As may be seen from the pictures attached. Collicello is a fine old place, beautifully situated on a gently sloping eminence, giving at the time it was built, a splendid view of the surrounding country. It had beautiful grounds in front with the old spring on the north end; the old springhouse is gone long since.

    Here the children of Robert Gray were born one of which was Colonel Algernon Gray, and much special life centered around and about old Collicello. It was especially so when owned by the Luptons, who maintained it as a summer resort when it was the scene of much gaiety and special intercourse. Like many another old home it has gone down through the passing years, brought about by the encroachment of its present surroundings, its past glories forgotten to give place to those of today.

  5. ART:
  6. Photograph.


Personal research.

June 3, 1936 Geo. W. Fetzer

Harrisonburg, VA