Catholic Church of Blessed Sacrament.
On North Main Street, adjoining the Federal Building and opposite the Kavanaugh Hotel.
Services began about 1865; First Church (bought), 1876; present church built about 1922-23, later remodeled.
Catholic Church of Blessed Sacrament from Anna J. Reherd, March 25, 1922, $10,500. Deed Book 122, page 305. This location reaches back many years and will be traced back to the original owner in a later write-up. (See Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, present site)page in book
Gothic-type Architecture, brick construction.
This is one of the most attractive, perhaps the most attractive, of the smaller church edifices in the Shenandoah Valley. The location adjoins the United States Post office and Federal Court Building and directed opposite the Kavanaugh Hotel.
One of the youngest church organizations in Harrisonburg, Virginia. It has grown steadily from a small beginning of eight families to its present size and importance, and by constant and faithful effort has brought comfort and consolation not only to its own people, but to others of the community as well, standing for all that is highest and best in community life, wielding a spiritual and moral influence in the civic and business affairs of the community.
According to history as far back as 1865, Father Bixio held Mass in Harrisonburg, but it is a well known fact that he often accompanied the southern Army and held Mass for "the boys in gray", who were fighting for what later became the lost cause, and although it is a certainty that numbered among the early pioneers in this section were some Catholics. The first accurate account of the church’s history in Rockingham County dates from the days of the War Between the States. Prior to this time the earlier Catholics had to be content with an occasional Mass in more distant cities, and later, Staunton, and through faithful practice of their religion in every day life.
As far as can be learned Father Bixio was the first priest to visit Harrisonburg regularly, saying Mass at a chapel on what is now Liberty Street, and later at the home of E.J. Sullivan on East Elizabeth Street and at the Virginia Hotel. At that time there were only about eight families in Harrisonburg. According to history Father McGuire of Maryland, also held services here, sometimes in a home of one of his parishioners, at the Virginia Hotel and in the chapel on Liberty Street, which was also used as a school taught by Miss Mary McQuaide.
Father Weed of Staunton followed Father Bixio, and it is of interest to note that often Catholics of this section would ride in a wagon or walk to Staunton for Mass, thus showing their devotion to their faith.
Wayland’s History of Rockingham County says that in November of 1867, the right Rev. Bishop McGill of Richmond held services in Harrisonburg at "Mr. Bell’s (Presbyterian) Church.
Catholic Church of Blessed Sacrament
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It may be said that the definite organization of the church and parish in Harrisonburg was in 1876 when what was the former Methodist Church was purchased by Mrs. John Kelley. This church was located on west Market Street on the site now occupied by the Merchants Wholesale Grocery and Hardware Company.
Father Kane and Bishop (later Cardinal) Gibbons had visited Harrisonburg three years before in an effort to create interest in building a church. Bishop Gibbons preached the dedication sermon in August 1876 according to Wayland’s History of Rockingham County and Father O’Keefe delivered the sermon in the evening. The St. Francis Choir of Staunton sang the Mass on that day.
In 1905, the church was destroyed by fire, which originated in a warehouse immediately opposite the church on the other side of the street. Father William J. Keefrey was pastor here then.
Mrs. Thomas Fortune Ryan, wife of the New York financier, contributed $27,000 toward building the present church, which was built about 1922-23.
For many years priests from Staunton and other nearby cities said mass here and it was not until the early twenties that Father DeGrice was stationed as regular pastor here. After several years of service in which he endeared himself to all through his lovable character, he was transferred to Charlottesville, Virginia, and he was succeeded by Father William J. Meredith.
Father Meredith did a splendid work in Harrisonburg spiritually and in the improvements of the church and its property, the present rectory and parish house being purchased and the church remodeled largely through his efforts. He was always interested in the affairs of his own church, but to other faiths as well. I shall always remember him with pleasure as a member of rotary, of which club he was for a long time a member. It was he who made the welcoming speech to me when I became a member. It was he who made the welcoming speech to me when I became a member of the club.
In 1936, Father Meredith was sent to Lynchburg, Virginia, and Father Edwin J. Lee has taken his place among us, making a place for himself in the hearts of the people and upon the young men of his parish.
Truly, the church of the Blessed Sacrament has been happy in its pastorates, discrimination being shown in their appointments to a community so largely Protestant. We wish for Father Lee the very largest measure of success in his work.
Informant: William S. Riley, Dr. Wayland’s A History of Rockingham County.
Court Records, Rockingham County, Harrisonburg, Virginia.
October 12, 1937 Geo. W. Fetzer
Harrisonburg, VA