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  2. Another Part of the John Graham Lot.

  4. East side of North Main Street, adjoining the Rockingham Bank, near the corner to East Market Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia.

  5. DATE:
  6. First house built by John Graham about 1810 or before and given his daughter, Harriet Gram Effinger, later.

  7. OWNERS:
  2. A large white two story frame building, two stores below and living rooms above. The entrance to the room above was on East Market Street; the large front room had a fire place; a2 large chambers on the East Side, closets in the large room and hall. Back of the store was a good bedroom for the clerk. Considered a good house in that day.

  4. The first person to occupy the rooms in the house above described was Isaac Hardesty of Richmond; he had an Apothecary shop below. Mrs. Hardesty made some good candy, much sought after by all the children in town. Mr. Hardesty had two sons, John and Robert.

    Dr. George Clark occupied these rooms after Mr. Hardesty moved. Dr. Clark’s wife died here, leaving an infant and a little girl, Lucretia. Mrs. Clark’s name was Gabriella Hite. Mr. McGahey was the next to occupy these rooms and from hers he moved to what is now McGaheysville, becoming the founder of the place of that name.

    From the organization of the town even to the present day the part of main Street from East Market to east Elizabeth Street has been the most desirable for stores, and today the principal Department and Dry Goods stores are located between these two streets. This is accounted for by the fact of the public square and the courthouse being just across the street, and store people soon discovered the most desirable locations. Just now only a part of the present brick storeroom is occupied.

    From the building of the first house on this location merchandising or retailing in one form or other has been carried on, the first store of the larger and more complete type seems to have been Andrew Houck, who did business here for a number of years from 1851. After him came James E. and William Ott in 1877, and following the Ott’s Jacob Messorole and Brother in 1886. Abel Miller did business in this location and, until within the last year, the McCrory Company 5 & 10-Cent Store occupied the part adjoining the Rockingham Bank.

    John Graham was the owner of nearly all, or at least, half of this square extending back to Federal Alley. The lot on which the old stone Presbyterian church was built on East Market street, was given by John Graham, a part of which is still standing, the rear part of which may still be seen.

  5. ART:
  6. Photograph.


Informant: Mrs. Maria Graham Carr.

Rockingham County Court Records, Clerk’s Office, Harrisonburg, Virginia.




























November 13, 1937 Geo W. Fetzer

Harrisonburg, VA