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1951 Simms School
May Day Celebration

8 and 9 year olds
Simms School 1947-1948

1st four-year graduates from Effinger School, 1948.
Goldie Mosby, Austin Harris, Carlotta (Newman) Harris

Courtesy of Carlotta Harris.. (CH0003)

Bundy Band
at Simms School, 1944-1945

Courtesy of Dale Harter.

First Simms Football team 1958.

Courtesy of Dale Harter.

Local Band in front of the Rockingham County Courthouse, 1905.

Courtesy of Dale Harter.

Lucy Simms and the class of 1928.

Photo courtesy Hampton Normal Institute. (EW002)

Courtesy of Dale Harter.
Courtesy of Dale Harter.

Simms School Girl's Basketball Team, 1941-1942.
Back Row (L-R): Delores C. Jones, Sarah Bekey, Evelyn Jones, Margaret Buck.
Front Row (L-R): Hattie Mitchell, Doris Washington, Sally Frye, Rosa Brown.

Courtesy of Dale Harter.

World War II Welcome Home at Simms School, 1945.
Simms School became a central focus for many activities. To this day, the school building houses community offices and organizations.

Courtesy of Dale Harter.

Students at Effinger.
(L-R) Savilla Vickers, Unknown, Francis Johnson Harris

Courtesy of Jennifer Vickers. (JV0001)

Francis Johnson Harris,
a student at Effinger School, standing beside a flowering bush.

Courtesy of Jennifer Vickers. (JV0002)

The Lavendar
Men's music group of Simms Students.
Back Row (L-R): Alfred Howard, ___ Brown, Buton Winston
Front Row (L-R): Eugene Couter, Jamie Madden

Courtesy of Jennifer Vickers. (JV0003)

Girls standing in front of Effinger School.
Second from left: Virginia Toliver.

Courtesy of Jennifer Vickers. (JV0004)

Dance or Prom
Ladies show off their style. "Tish" Francis in center (facing camera).

Courtesy of Jennifer Vickers. (JV0006)

Courtesy of Jennifer Vickers. (JV0007)

Francis Johnson Harris

Courtesy of Jennifer Vickers. (JV0008)

Portrait of Janice.

Courtesy of Jennifer Vickers. (JV0009)

Timmie Darnell Vickers, Sr.
and unidentified girl at the top of Effinger School steps.

Courtesy of Jennifer Vickers. (JV0010)

Dorace Howard
The graduate poses in front of her parent's house(the old Scott House) on the corner of Effinger and Broad Streets.

Courtesy of Jennifer Vickers. (JV0012)

Theodore Toliver dressed in football gear.

Courtesy of Jennifer Vickers. (JV0011)

47th meeting of the
Federation of Colored Women's Clubs.

Courtesy of Jennifer Vickers. (JV0013)

Mary Awkard Fairfax and her first grade class, 1961.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0001 and MF0012)

Lucy Simms' Chorus, 1964.
Pianist Mary Awkard Fairfax (far left) and conductor Nathaniel Moore (far right).

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0002)

Mary Awkard and her students, 1966.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0004)

May Day Performance.
The dancers, signers, and poets come together for an on-stage performance, which often drew large crowds.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0006)

May Day at Simm's School May Queen: Elaine Rhodes, Attendants: Shelia Washington, and Clarice Strother.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0007)

Teacher Mary Awkard Fairfax and first grade students.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0008)

Simms' School Faculty, May 1961.
(L-R) unknown, Mr. Giles, unknown, Pat Blakey, unknown, Mary Ewbanks (back), unknown, unknown, unknown, Al Bunyer (back), Amelia Jones, Nathaniel Moore, Barbara Blakey, Mary Awkard Fairfax, Anthony Ewbanks.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0009)

Simms' School Faculy, May 1965.
Mr. Giles (far left), Rebecca Campbell (front row, third from left), Mary Awkard Fairfax (far right), Anthony Ewbanks (second from left).

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0010)

Students standing on the steps at Simms School.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0011)

Third grade students and teacher Mary Awkard Fairfax on back steps.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0013)

Girls showing their dolls, April 1953.
Teacher Mary Awkard Fairfax set up the doll shows for the young girls. The acted out dances and weddings and dressed their dolls accordingly.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0014)

Teacher Eddy Coul with ten students of the kindergarten class in front of a board with ballons.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0015)

Large groups of students on stage for Christams celebration.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0016)

May Day Court.
The king and queen repose on their thrones, accompanied by maids.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0017)

May Day Dancers
Customes were often home-made by parents and friends, but managed to transform lttle girls into beautiful dancers. They may be preparing to wrap the May Pole.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0019)


Mary Awkard Fairfax, teacher,
is at the blackboard with her class of students seated. A piano can be seen at right.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0020)

Mary Awkard Fairfax and First Grade Class

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0021)

Two rows of girls outside for a photo.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0022)

Students and teachers in a auditorium.
Mary Awkard Fairfax is the teacher on the left.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0023)

Students acting out a play at the bottom of the front steps, watched by women seated on chairs. Part of the May Day celebration.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0024)

May Day Prcession.
A maid glides down the aisle, watched by the young dancers.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0025)

May Day - young girls in costume a the bottom of the steps. Watched by attendants. The girls were dresed as spring flowers, such as pansies and roses.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0026)

May Day, woman walking along sidewalk. The May Day participants would often march to music such as "Welcome Sweet Spring Time", played on the piano inside by Mary Awkard Fairfax.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0027)

Approximately 30 students standing in classroom with teacher Mary Awkard Fairfax. Flag and map are on bulletin board.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0028)

Students gathered outside on sidewalk for photo at Simms School

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0029)

Students at Simms School. Smiling students (third grad?) standing on the front steps of Simms School in three rows, three students in back row.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0030)

Three or more rows of students gathered outside for photo on sidewalk at Simms School

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0031)

Four rows of students on the front steps at Simms School. Two rows are seated and two are standing.

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0032)

Approximately 20 first or second grade students gathered on the front steps of Simms School- all standing

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0033)

Third grade field trip to Jamestown with 30 to 40 students gathered in front of monument. Possibly Ms. Errington's class

Courtesy Mary Fairfax. (MF0034)